Blessed to Choose Divine Over Vengeance

Understanding the Enemy
“Simeon and Levi are brothers; Instruments of cruelty are in their dwelling place. Let not my soul enter their council; Let not my honor be united to their assembly; For in their anger they slew a man, And in their self-will they hamstrung an ox. Cursed be their anger, for it is fierce; And their wrath, for it is cruel! I will divide them in Jacob And scatter them in Israel.
~Genesis 49:3-4, New International Version
There is a blessing in understanding how to navigate our anger - righteous and unrighteous.
Righteous anger is our emotional distain for actions in conflict with the love, purpose, and will of God. Unrighteous anger is motivated by behavior contrary to our self-centered desire. We all have the capacity to experience both. The question is what do we do with it when it comes.
Is your anger an instrument of cruelty or an opportunity for Christ?
Knee-jerk reactions create barriers to the Cross, so use your anger wisely.
God gives you the free will to decide how you want to live your life; with Him or without. Be careful. The need to control outcomes can lead to a God complex. See your pain as an opportunity to draw the Almighty God nearer. His vengeance is better than any you could imagine anyway.
Sovereign God...
You reign. We don't. Your word tells us to be slow to anger. Righteous or unrighteous, bless us with the ability to think and pray before we act. Give us the strength to release our pain to you and not retaliate. Don't let our desire to see others suffer create separation and suffering in our own lives. Help us to understand the work of the enemy. Nothing we could do is greater than your wrath, so I lay my anger at your feet. If the offense is against your will or is trying to temper glory, do what needs to be done in those who offend. If the offense is a reminder of our self-centeredness, give us the mind of Christ so we might act accordingly. We receive the blessing of your presence, your power, and our patience in the new year. In Jesus' name. Amen.

The blood of Jesus has ingrafted all who believe into the coverage and blessings of God. Join me as we look at how the prophetic utterances of Jacob upon his sons in Genesis 49 speak life into our dreams and aspirations today!
Tomorrow's Blessing:
The Blessing of ANTICIPATION
Be sure to check your email each afternoon for a new prayer!
The GOD 'n Me Guide to FASTING Make this year's fast a transformational experience!

"Sista, are you comfortable with the "you" GOD created? When will you let her come out and play? Or are you going to allow scrutiny and judgement to paralyze the best in you?"
~ From the chapter titled, "The Truth About You" NO MORE HESITATION IN THE NEW YEAR! GET YOUR COPY TODAY!
