9 Days of Seclusion: NATURAL

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“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her. ~Luke 1:38
(Inspired by Mary, mother of Jesus)
Why would God love you so much?
Why sacrifice so much for YOU?
You are the object of Heaven’s desire, the Apple of God’s eye.
He can't help but to LOVE you. He MADE you. He KNOWS you.
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. ~Jesus
God adores YOU, adores ALL of YOU so much that He that allows HIS SPIRIT to embody YOUR NATURAL.
Unabashed by sneaky suspicions and careless whispers,
Your beauty is untouched,
Your glow is undimmed,
Your walk is undeniable.
Did you know you are God's temple?
Divine creativity shapes you, molds your curves in poetic fashion,
Compresses your waist with angelic bear hugs.
Like a crafted sculptor, God created you with sleek small of back, firm hips and thighs to carry bright futures.
Your hands are strong but soft like linen.
Your feet are warmed in sacred silk.
“The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the most High will overshadow you.” ~Luke 1:35a
Sista, don't you feel God’s love touching the nape of your neck with quiet expectations?
Did you know your smile was chiseled from sunlight? That your eyes are God’s masterpiece?
You engage and encourage the world to explore the possibilities of eternity.
God employs your natural to take their breath away,
to stop their hearts from beating,
to reveal what “Jesus Loves Me” looks like.
Some fear touch might defame your artwork, so they are careful with you.
They should be.
But God did not build you to break.
You are meant to be spiritual, sensual, sought-after AND strong.
Lovely, loving, demure, AND deep.
God created your natural for His glory.
You are wrapped in fine lineage.
You are a place of pillowed peace.
The world seeks the perfect slumber your heart provides.
Humanity looks forward to nightfall, grateful for another opportunity to dream about YOU and the hope you give.
Blessed of God.
Blessed by God.
Blessed because of God.
And everywhere you go you glow.
It’s natural.
Ultimate Feminine. Ultimate Favor.
“The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. but the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God.” ~Luke 1: 28-30
Favor can reveal itself in different forms. Physically. Mentally. Intellectually. Spiritually.
The great thing about being a woman of God is His using your existence as an example of how all the different aspects of His grace can come together to impact the world.
We all have our own “Favor Formula”, God's personalized recipe for being blessed, and no one demonstrates their "Favor Formula" better than Mary, the mother of Jesus.
“…you who are highly favored!”
Does it surprise you when someone sees something special in you? It did Mary. Perhaps she had never been spoken to in this way before. The angel does not say that Mary was beautiful, or shapely, or intelligent. The only justification he gave for calling her “highly favored” was that the Lord was with her. That's it. The Lord was with her. That means the God of the Universe, the Sovereign Authority over all things rested, ruled, and abided in every aspect and nuance of her being.
Mary was human,
a sinner saved by grace
and blessed with a favor she did not deserve.
No part of her, not even her body, was off limits to the blessings of God.
No part of YOU, not even your body, is off limits to the blessings of God.
He sacrificed for YOU - soul, mind, and body.
Want to know the truth?
God's love rests on YOU.
You have been justified by the blood of Jesus.
It's time to get comfortable with Heaven's compliment on your life.
There was more to Mary than anyone ever knew... except God.
There is more to you, too.
You are pregnant with possibilities.
What you give birth to after this will change the world.
That is what living GOD n Me looks like – taking whatever He has given you and
creating new ways to reveal glory!
new life begins with knowing who you are and embracing every part of you.
Spiritual. Physical. Emotional. Intellectual.
Don’t deny your favor. Get used to it.
See yourself as God does. Live to impress Him… naturally.
It's time to resurrect your life.
Start your "GOD n Me" today.

We shouldn't be ashamed of the favor God has on our life. This was comforting.