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The Press Towards Purpose

Writer's picture: Phillipa WilliamsPhillipa Williams


The Press Towards Purpose

Have you ever had a day, a week, or a season in your life that you wished you could live in just a little while longer?

Recently, that experience for me was writing the CREATE! series.

I love being creative.

I love solving a problem or

expanding a concept or

shedding new light on old truth or

doing something I have never seen done.

I just do.

But I love it even more when I see the same beautiful experience manifest in people like you.

There are some things no one has to tell me. I know there is a brilliant mind reading this right now. We don't have to meet up at coffee shop (although that is one of my favorited things) for me to know you are brilliant.

I know your manufacturer.

I know, no matter your age or stage, there is a dream inside you desperate to come out.

It does not matter what you have already accomplished. I say that understanding many of you have accomplished much. But you still have room to be reborn.

To create is a form of rebirth. The greatest (and most literal) example is the gift of salvation. It is why our sweet Jesus and his cruel cross mean so much. Christ created a solution no one else could.

Before we knew sin he was the Lamb slain at the foundation of the world.

Birthed through a virgin.

Coming down through forty-two generations composed of many people we would not have selected.

He brought the essence of purity into an impure thing so that we might be white as snow once again and he went through hell on earth to get it done.

What hell are you willing to go through to make a dream come true?

(Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?)

Dreaming is great.

Design can be grueling.

Destiny will require you to grit your teeth and press your way through like Jacob wrestling with God:

So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. Then the man said, “Let me go, for it is daybreak.”

But Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.”

The man asked him, “What is your name?”

“Jacob,” he answered.

Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.” ~Genesis 32:24-28, New International Version

This moment is pivotal in the life of every believer because it demonstrates the struggle of the first divine dreamer in biblical history. We hear much talk about Joseph the dreamer, but his father Jacob was the "OG" of dreamers - the first in the Bible to dream of divine things:

Then he (Jacob) dreamed, and behold, a ladder was set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. ~Genesis 28:12, New King James Version

God promised you a dream, but he never said it would be easy. If Jacob in the book of beginnings had to fight his way through so will you.

So, press on.

You know what God told you.

Press on.

“I will not let you go unless you bless me.”

You will

solve a problem,

expand a concept,

shed new light on an old truth,

do something you have never seen before.

Are you excited for the future? I am. Join me in the press towards purpose and together let us see what the end will be.

You were born for this. You are built for this. You can do this. Join me all month as we dig in and discover how we are built to overcome. Next week, we explore how being imperfect is part of the pursuit. In the meantime, know that I love you but God loves you more.


Author | Founder | Ministry Coach


Miss any of the "CREATE!" series in August? Click the links blow. MY PRAYER?


Coming in October

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About Phillipa

At seven years old, Phillipa Williams fell in love with Christ and never looked back. For over forty years, she has dedicated her life to building God’s kingdom, teaching and equipping thousands to serve God and people.

But God has always wanted more.


In 2019, as the Founder/CEO of GOD n Me International, she launched the blog (now to "give people something for the journey". Named one of the "Top 10 Black Christian Blogs, Websites, Newsletters To Follow“ by for several years, help people all over the globe find the courage to answer God's call. 


In Spring 2022, Phillipa published her first book, GOD 'n You: Finding Your Place in Forever. and completed her licensing and ministerial requirements at the Potter's House School of Ministry in Dallas, Texas where she currently serves.

As an advocate for single mothers, Phillipa is also founder of ilooklikeLOVE, Inc.., a nonprofit providing capacity-building programming to women with young children. 

She is the proud parent on one adult son, Kenneth.


GOD n Me International 

1301 E Parkerville Road, Ste A7 #1195

Desoto, Texas 75115

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