The Favor of Fractures

The Press Towards Purpose
Let's begin with the end in mind...
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. ~Romans 8:28, New International Version
As I typed out this blog, it took me a minute to get past this one verse. When I cannot find peace anywhere else my soul always finds rest in these words... all things God works for the good...
In my salvation, God works for the good.
In my sin, God works for the good.
That is where I get a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes.
Any lie I tell,
any deceit I devise,
any distress I cause,
any pain I provoke,
is forgiven, yes,
and yes, is also no longer held against me but rather used by the Master Carpenter to build something beneficial.
Something good.
He uses my love for him to draw me close so he can use my life to build something beneficial.
Only our God will use the worst in us to draw out the best in us.
The consequences of Jacob's many shortcomings ultimately drew him so close to God that he saw angels descending and ascending from Heaven. So close he wrestled with God in the dark of night for his change to come.
There under the stars all his tenacity and fervor from the womb to the cheating of his brother to his deception with Laban suddenly makes sense. His fractured behavior represented a fervor within him culminating in a dark moment before a bright future.
Jacob, the trickster, became Israel, the one who struggled with God.
This is a foreshadow of the life, the struggles, and the victories of his children - his twelve sons soon to be the twelve tribes of Israel. The chosen ones.
... all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
If the Father can use the treachery of Jacob to create Israel, what can he do with you?
What was meant for evil, God will use for good.
Did you know there is favor in your fracture? You can only fight for what you know.
And we know...
The Master Craftsmen will use even the ugliest parts of you to build something beautiful in the earth.
It its time to fight for who you are meant to be.
Perfection is not required. Just courage.
Be courageous.

You were born for this. You are built for this. You can do this. Press on!
Next week, we explore how the unusual can move us forward. In the meantime, know that I love you but God loves you more.

Author | Founder | Ministry Coach

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