Staying Power

I love you in a place Where there's no space or time I love you for my life You're a friend of mine And when my life is over Remember when we were together
We were alone And I was singing this song to you
(Excerpt from Donny Hathaway's "A Song for You")
Last week, we looked at our worship during this Lenten season in the form of a lyric to be sung in sync with the melody of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. It's a statement of affirmation for our Emmanuel, the God wo is always with us:
I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. ~John 14:18-21
Mine was "Jesus satisfies my soul".
What does sweet Jesus mean to you?
If you have not done so, I encourage you to spend the time to craft your lyric.
The melody of Christ's sacrifice will go on with or without your words, but wouldn't it be nice for Jesus to know your there...
That you see His suffering....
That you will not run and hide, at least not this time...
That you do not doubt the power of Resurrection
and Peace
and Love
and Sacrifice
that runs through His veins.
As much as I adore the scripture of Mary anointing Jesus prior to the cross, I can't forget there was a time when her faith was fleeting when her brother Lazarus died.
When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet and said, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” ~John 11:32
On that day, the only thing being pour out at Jesus's feet was doubt.
Doubt from those who said they believed and trusted Him.
Mary was one He had shared life with, but she did not trust Him to give it.
It was a pain too much even for Him.
"Jesus wept." ~John 11:35
The lesson?
Don't let your love be fleeting.
Not today.
Not now.
Not after all you've seen, all you've been through.
God calls us to a deeper love, a deeper faith.
He calls us to have staying power.
Your lyric reminds God that you've got His back.
That you won't disappear like Peter.... not anymore.
So, sing your song of worship.
Sing like Mary Magdalene.
As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them. ~ Luke 7:38
The Bible calls her "a sinful woman".
Unlike so many others, her shortcomings were on display for the world to see and judge.
But it did not stop her song.
She sang her lyric at His feet amongst the Pharisees. Can't you hear her?
It's like Donny Hathaway knew her lyric:
You taught me precious secrets Of a true love withholding nothing You came out in front when I was hiding Now I'm so much better And if my words don't come together Listen to the melody 'Cause my love is in there hiding
Mary Magdalene had staying power.
She was committed to the journey along with the disciples...
She was committed at the Cross with his mother.
She was committed at the tomb - still loving, still giving, still caring for her Jesus.
For, He was her "Rabboni" - her teacher.
He taught her precious secrets of a true love withholding nothing.
And it was because of her unyielding commitment that she was graced to be the first to see our Risen King.
The faith that saved her at His feet gave her full access to glory.
Will your faith do the same?
Don't let distractions keep you from learning the lesson your "Rabboni" is teaching.
Listen to the melody of the Master.
My prayer for you today is that you will
Love Jesus in a place where is no space or time.
Love Him for your LIFE, because He is YOUR FRIEND.
And when your life is over, He will REMEMBER WHEN YOU WERE TOGETHER and you sang your song FOR HIM.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Were you helped by today's blog? If so, do me a favor...
We want the world to know that sometimes, it's just gotta be GOD n ME!
Were you helped by today's blog? I want to know what you think.
And if you were, share it with your friends and family (even your enemies, if you want). We want the world to know that sometimes, it's just gotta be GOD n ME!

See you then!
In the meantime, take care.
Be safe.
Look like LOVE.

Phillipa also the Founder of ilooklikeLOVE, Inc., a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization providing diaper assistance to families in need and opportunities for mothers to empower themselves.
Look for her upcoming book,
GOD n You: Finding Your Place in Forever.