Is It Good to You or Good for You?
Mothers from generations past used to say,
"Everything good to you ain't good for you."
Times may change, but the truth lasts forever. Is it time to leave some things (or people) behind?

Leaving Clean
Out of here! Out of here! Leave this place! Don’t look back. Don’t contaminate yourselves with plunder. Just leave, but leave clean. Purify yourselves in the process of worship, carrying the holy vessels of God. ~Isaiah 52:11, The Message Translation
The Message Bible titles this chapter, God is Leading You Out of Here, which means two things;
You've got somewhere else you need to be,
and only God can take you there.
So, enough with maintaining toxic relationships because you don't want people to think you've changed. You have changed, haven't you? Or is what captivates you really holding you captive?
Isaiah 52 was written to a people who, once again, found themselves living in captivity and oppressed. The Bible to describes this state of captivity as being exiled. Living in a space but knowing you are destined for something different can feel like an exilic existence.
But when God says, "go", it's time to go.
Now is the Time. This is the Place.
The Apostle Paul writes,
I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.
Trying to be nice to people and about things that take up God-space is killing your destiny.
You are a vessel of God. Purify yourself for the journey. Prepare. Consecrate. Free your body, heart and mind from toxic things and toxic people. Let nothing dim the light you have been created to shine in a dark world.
If you're serious about going all the way,
about walking the path of purpose to its expected end,
about sharing with the world all the gifts and talents the Holy Spirit has manifested within you,
you've got to let some things go.
Because everything good to you, ain't good for you.
Paul used Isaiah 52 to make this point to the Corinthian church struggling to break free from the spiritual oppression of their carnal culture.
What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.” Therefore, “Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.” And, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”
There is a sacred space between GOD 'n You. Fight for it. Protect it. Keep it pure. Keep Heaven close through the power of prayer and the reading of His Word. The Bible says no one can snatch you from the Master's hands*, but you have to choose to be and be there the right way.
It's okay to be in the world.
God needs us to represent Him in the world.
But we can't be of the world.
Not with what God has in store for our lives.
If it's holding you back, leave it behind. Leave clean.
Thanks for hangin' out!
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I'm so honored to participate in the Annual Tulisoma Book Fair hosted by the African American Museum of Dallas later this month!

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Time to break the cycle of hesitation and live on purpose!
