Dreaming, Desire, and Creativity

Have you said "yes" to God? Congratulations.
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” ~Isaiah 6:8, New International Version
Now the real work begins.
Get ready, get ready, get ready!
~Bishop T. D. Jakes
Get ready to be overwhelmed with blessings, including the blessing of overwhelm.
Yes, being overwhelmed by God is a blessing. It is a sign of divine trust. The Master gives according to capacity, and it starts with an overflow of ideas. It is your job to responsibly steward what Christ has given you before the dam of ideas breaks.
Because anything that starts random has a high capacity to stay random.
It could be one idea with a hundred different outlets, a hundred ideas with a similar goal, or somewhere in between. Whatever the case, learning how to navigate divine dreaming is key to your success.
Scripture says order my steps, meaning guess what? There is a process. If you only see process as a part of implementation, you will never implement.
Dreaming unveils ideas. Design architects them.
Divine Dreaming
Before we begin, we must first understand one thing...
The dream is not ours, but the Lord's gift to us.
May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. ~Psalms 20:4 NIV
We just need to be the willing vessels through which Heaven's dreams can become reality.
Now that we know our role let's unpack this text, get our creativity organized so we don't go crazy and get to dreaming!
May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. ~Psalms 20:4 NIV
What is your desire?
It is important to understand the difference between your desire and your mission.
Your mission should fulfill the desire of your heart.
The desire of your heart is the change, the ultimate outcome you want to see. Mission paints the picture as to how you will accomplish it.
No matter what gifts,
or outlets you use to complete the mission,
it should be your desire to bring about a change in your piece of the earth.
My desire is to see the stronghold of hesitation shattered so my mission is to break the cycle of hesitation in someone's life. It is the who, what, when, where, and why of the work I do.
or just in conversation
my life's work is to see the desire of my heart become real.
Before asking yourself what you want to do in the earth, ask yourself what do you want to see in the earth.
There should only be one desire.
Because of the overflow of ideas and concepts ruminating in the mind, this one can be hard for creatives to digest but I encourage you to give this careful consideration. Every version of the Psalms 20:4 text indicates one desire, not multiple.
We may want many things to change. The question is what is your heart meant to do?
Peter's ultimate desire was that the Jews be saved.
Paul's desire was for the Gentiles.
Others benefited from their respective works, but God individually disbursed to each a focus for their passion (desire). This created specific yet complementary success stories in the Kingdom.
Remember, anything that starts random has a greater capacity to stay random. Your purpose will be birthed from the God-given desire of your heart.
It is my prayer that by aligning dreams with scripture, it will help bring clarity to what YOU are called to do.
It all starts with the desire of your heart.
From Dream to Design
May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. ~Psalms 20:4 NIV
Next week, we look at building the framework for your desire to succeed.
In the meantime, I encourage you to incorporate Psalms 20 in your prayer time and remember...
I love you but God loves you more.

Author | Founder | Ministry Coach

Igniting the World for Intimacy, Transparency, and Destiny with Christ
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