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Be Gentle.

"Be gentle with Jesus."

Sitting here Indian-style on my bed, wondering what to share during this holiest of seasons, it's the one thing that keeps coming to mind:

"Be gentle with Jesus."

I started to write about being stretched between living your best life during the worst time of your life. "My Best, Worst Week Ever" was going to be the title.

But this week is not about me. This moment is not about me. This is about Him.


My Jesus.

Your Jesus.

The Lamb. Slain.

Our King who faced death so he could conquer death.

Beaten. Tortured. Stripped. Ridiculed. Abandoned.

This is Not About Us

Be gentle with my Jesus.

He's been through enough.

Be gentle with my Jesus.

He's suffered enough.

Be gentle with my Jesus.

He loved me enough to take on my stripes and use them to heal me.

Be gentle with my Jesus.

The Word made flesh ripped apart only to come back together in a tomb.

I'm sorry if you were looking for something more profound, more intuitive, more deep. Today, this all I got. All I've got is Jesus, and if Jesus is all I've got then He's all I need.

This could be the best week of your life. It could be the worst. Whatever your lot, I encourage you to set your requests aside this week and tend to the wounds of your Savior.

And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” ~John 12:32, New International Version

Set your heart and mind on the Cross. Be at his feet with Mother Mary and John. Be the thief who found no fault in Him. Be the Roman soldier who saw Him for who he is. Be gentle with my Jesus, the One Who Saves.

God, I pray...

I pray we be sensitive to the suffering of your Son this week, that He receive the first fruit of our tears and our prayers. I pray that when trouble arises, we shift the atmosphere with thoughts of pure love bound to a tree. This week, teach us to be gentle with our Jesus and lay aside our chaos for the Kingdom. In the name of the One Who Died So We Might Live, our gentle Jesus. Amen.

I remember reciting for Easter The Crucifixion by James Weldon Johnson in my youth. I still cry when I read it today. It begins "Jesus, my gentle Jesus".

He's gentle with you. Be gentle with Him.

Don't let the Savior pass by on the way to the Cross and you not see Him. Fellowship in His suffering. Be gentle with my Jesus.


Thank you for sharing space with me today!

If something in today's blog spoke to you today, leave a comment and let me know.

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In the meantime, know that I am praying for you and your future!

Take care!

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About Phillipa



Phillipa Williams has dedicated her life to building God’s kingdom. A former programs director for new member and Christian education with over 36 years’ experience in leadership and discipleship, she has equipped thousands to serve God and community.

She is the Founder/CEO of GOD n Me International, a faith-based social enterprise equipping and inspiring others for spiritual intimacy, transparency, and destiny. Her blog,, was named one of the "Top 10 Black Christian Blogs, Websites, Newsletters To Follow in 2019“ by In Spring 2022, Phillipa published her first book, GOD 'n You: Finding Your Place in Forever. She also completed the licensing and ministerial requirements at the Potter's House School of Ministry in Dallas, Texas.

An advocate for women and children, Phillipa founded and serves as Executive Director of the 501 (c)(3) nonprofit, ilooklikeLOVE, Inc.. ilooklikeLOVE works to eradicate early childhood poverty through diaper assistance and capacity building for new mothers.


She is the proud parent on one adult son, Kenneth.

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