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9 Days of Seclusion: SOLITUDE

Click below to listen to the Devotional Reading of "SOLITUDE"

Then Mary took a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. ~John 12:3

As I meander through the crowd, life is rushing before me,

My mind replaying the all losses… and all the loves.

The circumstances of my life would not have me here,

But I came anyway.

I don’t know when I will leave this space. I just know I don’t want to, so I’ll stay despite the condemnation of those trying to squeeze me out.

This time, their opinion will not hinder me. No, not this time.

Not at the Savior’s feet.

He makes it easy for me to be where they say I don’t belong.

Because I do belong.

This is my spot.

My shaded palm tree.

My quiet sunset.

My singular grace.

The place where sorrow has no hold on me.

I’m home.

My face is drenched. My mask has melted. My pain, once private, is now exposed to an audience of One.

How long my tears had fallen I do not know, but grace has give me my release. Now, I can use my most expensive gift - my love - to wash the Master’s feet.

His precious, beautiful feet.

Caked with the debris necessary to fulfill destiny.

Every step He takes draws Him closer to earth’s exit and heaven’s entry,

from this strange land to our heavenly home.

I was not prepared for this.

My emotions caught me unprepared, welling up all the more when I think of the trials that lie ahead.

What I feel is still too deep to express, so the overflow speaks for me, showering Him with my love as I wipe His feet with my hair.

I wipe them as gently as I can, for He has always been gentle with me.

I dry them with intentionality, like He has always looked after me.

I care for them lovingly, because I know His love will never abandon me.

No, I had elegant linen to wrap and clean His feet.

I could only rely on the crowning glory He bestowed upon me.

It is enough. I… am enough.

Jesus sees I am enough… and smiled!

He has seen beyond my tears, beyond my silent cry and spoke peace to my soul.

Oh, God! What more can I give? What else can I do?

How much more must I love to match that which I see in your eyes?

Just to be in the presence of your feet has made me whole.

Jesus! Jesus!

My Lord.

My Christ.

My Anointed One.

Pure is the spirit, the heart, the love you give.

And as precious as the blood coursing through your veins are the dusty, beautiful feet

I washed... while I sat on the floor…

near YOU.


What Do You Need?

“Leave her alone,” Jesus replied. ~John 12:3

If you feel that God is all you’ve got, then right now God is all you need.

Let nothing stop you from encountering His glory.

YOU are the greatest gift you can give to God.

Never deny Him YOU.


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About Phillipa



Phillipa Williams has dedicated her life to building God’s kingdom. A former programs director for new member and Christian education with over 36 years’ experience in leadership and discipleship, she has equipped thousands to serve God and community.

She is the Founder/CEO of GOD n Me International, a faith-based social enterprise equipping and inspiring others for spiritual intimacy, transparency, and destiny. Her blog,, was named one of the "Top 10 Black Christian Blogs, Websites, Newsletters To Follow in 2019“ by In Spring 2022, Phillipa published her first book, GOD 'n You: Finding Your Place in Forever. She also completed the licensing and ministerial requirements at the Potter's House School of Ministry in Dallas, Texas.

An advocate for women and children, Phillipa founded and serves as Executive Director of the 501 (c)(3) nonprofit, ilooklikeLOVE, Inc.. ilooklikeLOVE works to eradicate early childhood poverty through diaper assistance and capacity building for new mothers.


She is the proud parent on one adult son, Kenneth.

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